Sitecore - Content Editor search with custom keyword

Posted 17 Feb 2023 by Marek Musielak

sitecore content editor search custom

I recently discovered that Sitecore Content Editor Search not only allows default searches by ID, path or search term, but also allows searching with custom keyword, restricting which field should be checked.

Usually, when I use Sitecore Content Editor search I either paste an item name or ID or full item path. Just recently I found out that the following format of the query allows even more:


Example of a simple query is:

custom:Entity Name|Profile Double

In result we receive all the items where custom field Entity Name contains phrase Profile Double:

sitecore content editor search custom

Similarly if you need to find which items link to your page from field Login Page, you can use your page ID in search query like:

custom:Login Page|{BE262C9F-3D71-4E45-B784-978E88EB12CF}

And if you want to find which placeholder setting items allows to insert component with ID {7E521C3D-74DE-43E3-B110-1E496DDA505D} you can use:

custom:Allowed Controls|{7E521C3D-74DE-43E3-B110-1E496DDA505D}

sitecore content editor search custom

That's quite simple way of making your Sitecore Content Editor Search more precise and limiting search results to what you need only.

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